To fit

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Take a look at the list again, and see what else you can find. See also fit in , fit out , fit up.

Fit definition, adapted or suited; appropriate: This water isn't fit for drinking. A long-necked giraffe is fit for browsing treetops. See more. fit 1 (fĭt) v. fit ·ted or fit, fit ·ted, fit ·ting, fits 1.

a. To be the proper size and shape for: These shoes fit me. b. To cause to be the proper size and.

traduction fit francais, dictionnaire Anglais - Francais, définition, voir aussi ' fit in', fit out', fit up',epileptic fit ', conjugaison, expression, synonyme, dictionnaire. Узнать больше.

To make ready; prepare: The suit had fitted or fit well last year. The page has not loaded completely and some content and functionality are corrupted. The door was fitted with a new handle. If something fits you or fits into a place, it is the right size or shape for you or for that place: Translation of fit for Spanish speakers Britannica English: Stretching during or after a workout increases your flexibility.

The fit was perfect.

англо-русский перевод "to fit in":

September 29, Through the years, construction, pollution, over-harvesting, muck, algae blooms and a host of other factors, have conspired to taint the natural majesty of the Indian River Lagoon. Not Helpful 10 Helpful Try to spice it up somehow. Do as you see fit. Their trained staff can take one look at your figure and tell you which brand of jeans is most likely to fit you. To be in keeping with: Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus - The Free Dictionary 10,,, visitors served.

It was a great vision, fit to cover the yearnings of the world. Examples of fit in a Sentence Patients are encouraged to get fit. The deadline is Jul You must fit a new lock on the door. Not getting enough sleep also comes at a huge expense to your immune system.

What is the pronunciation of fit? Pick an item that you really want or something that you really want to do. These include items made with butter or shortening such as cookies, cakes, and other desserts. Create a Profile to Add this show to your list! Set goals for yourself. By continuing to use our site, you agree to our cookie policy. Seth does everything he can to inspire Dave to put aside his love for unhealthy food to save his own life.

To make ready; prepare: When engaging in strength training, always use a spotter and avoid straining your muscles with excessively heavy loads. Scrabble Words With Friends. Take a look at the list, and see what else sounds like a good idea. Spend the money as you see fit. So for an example if your diet contains apples, milk, and chicken nuggets. See words that rhyme with fit Thesaurus:

2 Комментарий для "To fit"

  1. dolce_gabbana_girl | 08.08.2017 at 05:26 | Ответить

    Pick an item that you really want or something that you really want to do. It was a great vision, fit to cover the yearnings of the world.

  2. Middle English fitten to marshal troops, from or akin to Middle Dutch vitten to be suitable.

  3. Be sure to stretch before and after you work out to reduce risk of injury.

  4. Your father will throw a fit when he hears what you have done.

  5. It takes willpower, but it will definitely work. This school fits students for college.