Fear for sale

Place the KEY in the keyhole on the panel Y to the left. Click on the hose and pump the handle. Click on the workbench. If you continue browsing, you are considered to have accepted such use. Take the...

  • Click on the opened hood. Pick up the KEY from the floor and then take the GATE KEY embedded in the middle panel.
  • License Trial version Limitations You can download a trial version to play for one hour.
  • Click on the KEY to turn it.
  • Back out of the area and head to the boiler room.
  • Place the STARTER on the motor.

Take the SAW leaning against the left wall inside the now opened grate. Free Online Games and More Shockwave is the ultimate destination to play games.

Complete Fear for Sale: Mystery of McInroy Manor Walkthrough & Strategy Guide. Overview of full game with annotated screenshots from actual gameplay. Stephen Pisani, the Star Trek Stuntman and lifelong sci-fi/horror collector, is hunting down collectibles from across the galaxy that he thinks you'll love!.

Find all the items listed and get a FLAT TIRE. The Mystery of McInroy Manor Walkthrough by. Click on the panel above the large gear. The 13 Keys The owners of the Hotel Berkeley are desperate - something has been scaring off their guests, and it could very well be a ghost! Click the box to open it.

Use the FOUNTAIN KEY on the locked valve compartment L. Find the items listed and get a BOOK. Use the HAMMER on the head lamp D three times to break out the glass and take the LIGHT BULB. Click on the panel with the key.

Most Recent Most Helpful Average Rating: Click on the end of the hose and it will go into the rat hole. After arriving at the scene of the crime, a deputy is kidnapped by a terrifying ghost house that appears out of nowhere! Keys to Ravenhearst Announced Oct 12, Every year about this time Mystery Case Files fan new and old gear-up to discover details about the anticipated new addition to their favorite series.

Big Fish Blog Walkthroughs Fear for Sale: Privacy policy About Wikipedia Disclaimers Contact Wikipedia Developers Cookie statement Mobile view. Give the PRESS PASS to the Watchman and receive a HOUSE KEY.

Our games are guaranteed safe and free of viruses and malicious software. Click on the window button B and take the newspaper clipping to get an updated journal. Open the drawer under the fan and then click to get a close-up.

Click on the coal in the coal car and the item holding up the left side of the axle. Open the stove door and click on the coals. Click on the stove. Big Fish Blog Topics Big Fish News Editorial Game News Game Development Gaming Lifestyle Tips and Tricks Casual Gaming Mobile Gaming Big Fish Casino Casual Gaming Gummy Drop Trends and Statistics Zombie Survival Guide Genres Walkthroughs Videos Store Social Menu Facebook Twitter Youtube Close Search. Use the INFLATED TIRE on the hot rod. Go down the stairs by the bicycle.

See screenshot X for solution. Take the DULL PENCIL, the ENVELOPE, and the HANDKERCHIEF from the drawer. Click on the door. Hang the BELL on the hook V on the upper left above the cabinet. Back out of the area two times, to the Watchman, and head to the left. Forgotten Pages Walkthrough Mystery Trackers: Take the CUBES from the altar. Take the TRAY FOR LORD upstairs and into the right bedroom.

Place the cubes in logical order from left to right. Head back into the manor. Take the SAW leaning against the left wall inside the now opened grate.

Open the grate under the furnace and try to take the hot ember. Click on the fallen pillar on the left. Find the items listed and get some MIRROR PIECES. Please Sign In or Sign In with Facebook to rate a game or write a review.

Fear For Sale: Mystery of McInroy Manor, free and safe download.

Fear For Sale: Mystery of McInroy Manor latest version: Eerie point and click adventure. Fear For. Download Fear For Sale - The 13 Keys Platinum Edition today, or play this and + other top games online for free at GameHouse.

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