Facility 47 прохождение

Find a barrel that holds some and figure out a way to get it out. Your Security and Privacy are important to us! All other trademarks, registered trademarks, or logos are the property of their respective owners. Solving the...

Get the latest games, special offers, and more! Company Info About Us Press Room Careers Submit Games Affiliate Program. Go to the back of the room and slide the glass up and take the flask.

Facility 47 By: InertiaSoft. This is a complete step-by-step walkthrough guide with hints, tips, tricks, help, solutions and answers for the iOS and Android game. Video embedded  · Introducing Facility 47 - an escape room-style point-and-click adventure game that takes place in a lonely scientific research station in the Antarctic.

Look up at the ceiling and take the yellow acetate. Where did those batteries suddenly appear from in your inventory? What letters do you put in the card machine in the lab. Новости каких тематик вы хотите читать? Here is a clever adventure game with a stark and honest plot that inspires curiosity and, ultimately, sympathy.

Then, log onto the computer and choose option 6. Enter the email address you use for your Big Fish account. I thought I took the knife from the kitchen but its not in my inventory Is there another place it could be?

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  1. As you solve puzzles, you will gain access to more locations. The Big Fish Guarantee:

  2. Then go through the doorway to the right. The music and sound effects are exactly right: