Dark souls dsfix 2 4

I remember reading something about the fps degrading over time. Also, locked the framerate makes this issue worse. I did the following above, but my Dark Souls is still laggy.

How do I use it? Of course it is still failing. At least I could play the game at an acceptable framerate when it was still there. I never put the yellow dsfix file folder in my DATA folder, just all the single files. In fact, I can be even more specific: Humble runs second Bandai Namco Bundle. Please read the full community rules and guidelines. Log In Sign Up. If I take out the DSFix files it starts up fine. Thanks to - TatniumD3D developers for providing a basic D3D9 interception code base - From Software for Dark Souls - The authors of SMAA - The authors of the OBGE VSSAO effect - The artists of:

  • I have tried a bunch of combinations in DSFix in the attempt to get it to work, but nothing as worked so far.
  • This is an archived post. That fixed my issue previously.
  • Nobody else having this problem?
  • If I take out the DSFix files it starts up fine. Image Library View images Top images View supporter images Top supporter images Add images Manage images Video Library View videos Top videos Add videos Manage videos.
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I followed the install instructions, which are simply to extract the contents of the folder to the Dark Souls binary directory where the Dark Souls executable is , and made changes in the ini file accordingly. Game ran perfectly fine at x, unlocked framerates and all on the previous DSFix, downloaded the latest and replaced all files except the. In my experience, the framerate will reduce itself to about 52 after hours.

DSFix 2. 4. Posted on anti-aliasing archive article audio C code comparison dark souls debugging development dll dpfix dsfix dx11 ff13 GCC gedosato.

Crashed my game, too. I deleted DSfix2. 4 and Dark Souls, and am currently reinstalling. Will edit if I can get it to and installed DSfix 2. 4 in the "fresh"copy.

mods - How to install DSfix for Dark Souls PC? - Arqade

I am going to try disabling that to see if the freezing lag goes away. Posts are automatically archived after 6 months. The disappearing sun glitch is still not fixed I suppose. Have you switched to the Steamworks version? Validating my steam files for the game will tell me that "1 file failed to validate and will be reacquired.

0 Комментарий для "2 dsfix dark 4 souls"

  1. Kartje confirmed an upcoming Dark Souls region lock fix a few days ago:.

  2. So I turned off FPS unlock and it launched with 15 fps again but no FPS unlocked.

  3. Paзбитыe_мeчты | 15.08.2017 at 13:40 | Ответить

    Anyone else getting this issue?

  4. Not sure if you already know about it.

  5. Nobody else having this problem? I followed the install instructions, which are simply to extract the contents of the folder to the Dark Souls binary directory where the Dark Souls executable is , and made changes in the ini file accordingly.