Join the Stack Overflow Community. This is an archived post. Only submissions that are directly related to Android are allowed. Developers, click here to request special flair. Who Uses AWS, Who Uses Azure?
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I just got my Galaxy Nexus and want to copy some files over from my old phone. I have two folders: DCIM/Camera and DCIM/ ANDRO. It seems that. Sep 19, · Can someone please inform me of what the DCIM/ ANDRO folder on the microSD Cards is used for? I have never see anything go into it. Cliff.
What is DCIM and Why all my Photos are stored in DCIM folder?:
So what is ANDRO used for? I have a device of Android Version 1. Self promotion is meant for community members only: Unfortunatelly, the approach above may not always work:
May 31, · I noticed Xperia Z3 saves images and videos on Folder DCIM/ ANDRO by default rather than DCIM/Camera. Not sure if it is a problem, but. What is ? ANDRO .exe is windows process. More information about ANDRO .exe.
- This is an archived post.
- That they are instead stored in a folder called "Camera" on some phones is, I believe, a bug. Or select a friend from the list Select Cancel.
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Android submitted 5 years ago by [deleted].